2018 did not start well for me. I have lost my job and the time got hard. Living alone does not give you any income apart from the income you are able to do by yourself. When I found a new job I started to work shifts. I had no time for myself and I felt like I have no life.
Since June, I am off work again as I could not take the pressure anymore and needed some time for myself. After 13 years of working, I had nothing to do. The time is still very hard and the income low but I would like to talk about things that make me happy. If you are a grammar nerd, do not read my blog.
There are two things in my life I truly love and cherish.
Tarot, the world of unknown.
I love being a tarot reader. It makes my heart happy to be able to help and make other people happy. It is a never-ending process of self-education. I have learned so much over the past few months. I have also started work as tarot reader for the public.
The artsy Migi on the block.
I have already written a post about my flirt with art, so I will try to make it short. A year ago I met an amazing person on the internet. We became friends and I started to focus on art more. I have made my first art project. It was a picture of Christina Aguilera which I love and adore! She is my queen. I used a mixed media to style her up and make her my sassy queen.
The picture I did was a great success. I was happy and confident enough to start my very first altered book. Since Christina Aguilera is my queen, she had to be on the cover of my altered book.
Soon after, I started my Youtube and made a video of my very first altered book.
It makes me so happy to see people coming to my Youtube to watch my videos. I only have a small group of subscribers but I feel blessed for such inspiring people. My goal for 2018 is to reach 100 subscribers. For someone like me, living in a small place it would be a blessing. I love talking to people, learning from each other and see them to follow their dreams.
Michal Migimoon is my youtube page. You are more than welcome to visit my channel.
The future
I would like to more focus on my youtube channel and make new videos where I would mix the art with my tarot experiences. I would love to show people How enjoyable could be learning tarot and create their own Altered Tarot journal. That way, I would be able to continue to feed my artsy self and my spiritual self. No time to waste.
Lastly, I would like to say a big thank you to LorriMarie and our village for all the love and support in this crazy hard time. You all are my huge inspiration, my family I love and adore.
Simply thank you to all my supporters.