Sunday 7 January 2018

Broken angel

It was the beginning of December 2017 when I was thinking about a Christmas present for the very special couple. They have been married for many years. They have been supporting each other for as long as you could think of.

It is my step sister and her husband. Their marriage is so pure and beautiful. They do not know I do adore their friendship and the connection. I wanted purely to make them happy and ordered something unique for them.

I have contacted amazing friends I have who makes the most amazing candles. It was a pair candle, an angel couple. The days went by and the package arrived.

When I opened the package I felt sad. The pair candle was fine but the male angel did not have a head. The head was smashed into the sand, destroyed. I have decided to keep it for myself. Someone else would just throw it away but I could not. For me, the candle had a purpose.

It reminds me How much love is missing in my life.....

Today, I was thinking about it again. Yes, few days in 2018 and I felt alone again. Just before my trip to visit my mom, I got myself pretty down. I sat in a car and was just talking to my best friend Gigi. Gigi is my personal angel who knows everything and anything about me. Supports me, even when I do not listen.

I put a random CD in my player and started to drive. Still, in my self-demotivated mood, i was asking Gigi, is that really the way it is gonna be? A car in front of me stopped fast and made me hit the break. Once my car stopped, I was just staring in front of me, when a song on my player started.

Leonna Lewis and Jennifer Hudson- Love is your color
"Ooh Ooh
Just when you think it's over
You're hit with a brand new start
And you found out right there within you
That you never lost that spark.
Love Is Your Color
It makes you shine,
So show your color
It comes from inside.
Some say
But Love is your color,
It makes you shine
Sometimes it's hard to cope
But you'll always know
It's your color
It comes from inside
Everything else is black and white
Love is
Your color
Love is a force that we can't hold back like
Love is a friend
That will hold your hand
Always right there by your side.
Love is a color,
Oh it makes you shine
I know
(I know)
I know
It comes from inside
Everything else is black and white.
Oh no no no no
Love is your color
Love is your color
It makes…"

There, I heard my answer which made me bow in amazement.
Thank you, angels, for an amazing day.
I found myself today.


  1. i have read your amazing blog sparks happy and sad in good writing should....thank you for sharing....everything is fine...more people love you that you realize...keep sharing....and trust the process.....with tenderness...

  2. Lorri my great art teacher, thank you for your inspiring words. December was the hardest month of 2017 and strike me at the end, when I had to take a dear one to hospital, just a day before a New Year. I realize, that I am always trying to be here for those I love to give them my strenght and love. That makes me sometimes week. Sometimes I forget How amazing Universe and angels are, no matter What you going through, they always here. I learnet that untill we shine thanks to love, the world never become just black or white. Thank you so much for being my friend. You shine bright with your art and lightenning our hearts. Have a colorfull day.
