Wednesday 20 December 2017

A little about me

My name is Michal and I come from the Czech Republic.  In a short way just call me Migi. The name was given to me by a very close friend of mine. A person who is my teacher, friend, and guide.

When I was born I was given a name Michal. I am not sure if it has any purpose but to me the name makes me feel more connected to angels. Maybe it’s weird to me to say but the name itself has a power. When I was a child I used to sit in church for hours. I saw statues of angels and could not take my eyes off them. They attracted me, they made me wonder and I believe they draw me close. As a young man, I always seek for mystery, old buildings and old stories to explore.

Subjects which always interests me are Dwarves, fairies, druids, satyrs, angels elves and dragons. So I am the kind of person interested in natural healing and learning about all I mentioned above.

We all facing stress every day and to me, working and learning about myself helps me relax.

Believe me, focusing on myself to explore my doubts, my mistakes have never been my cup of coffee. I truly love helping and meeting people. I am willing to support and smile, touch with words etc.
The hardest lessons to me are about myself. Sometimes is not easy to love yourself, to feel great, confident and those are my weak sides.

To be fair enough I should also talk about my strong side. I truly believe I am a fighter, sensible with the power to understand and feel. My strongest power tool is my honesty and never-ending vision to always get up and go. I fall on my knees quite often but each time I get up is my victory.

I believe it does not matter How often you stumble and fall as long as you get up and fight.

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