Wednesday 20 December 2017

Things to do before connecting your guides.

Have you ever wanted something so badly that once it happens you did not notice it? Something like that has happened to me. I am a person attracted to creatures of spirit, angels, guides etc.
I used to cry in my prayers for connection to my angels and spirit guides. I read few books about How to connect with spirit guides but I guess I was out of luck. I have wanted to meet my spirit guide that much that I have totally blocked my mind focused on it. As the weeks went by I slowly resituated. It has been over two years since I kept trying. Some people might say is boring to wait but it was worth it.

Things to do before connecting your guides.

1/ Gather information – It is always great to read few books about your interest. Angels and spirit guides. They are living creatures. As any living creatures, even those have their ways to make contact. Find books about Spirit Guides or Angels and learn about them. Read about their realm, personalities etc. There are thousands of articles on the internet but always use your heart and intuition while reading them.

2/ Imagine – Sit down and imagine How your spirit guide or angel should look like. It does not matter if you ever have seen any of them. Just sit down and think of How you would like Your spirit guide to appeal to you. There is no limit How your spirit guide can look.  Imagine his face, the color of hair you desire.  The shape of the body, clothes. It is all in your head.

3/ Talk- Sometimes we feel like none ever listen to us. Are you sure? Why don’t you talk to your spirit guide or angel as someone Who is always with you? Once you start talking to them, They will be more real to you and closer to connect with. People keep looking for friends and tend to forget that angels and spirit guides are here, waiting.

4/ Believe- Everything we cannot see by physical eyes requires a little bit of faith. All I would suggest is to feed your faith every day. Open your eyes and look around.  Just as we believe after each night comes a day we can be sure everything has its reason.

5/ Quiet corner- I am sure everyone has its favorite place. I have mine too. The most important is to have a place where we feel happy, secure and comfortable. To me personally, such place is a bed. I love sitting on my bed and talking to my spirit guides and angels.

6/ Altar - Closely where I am trying to connect with spirit guides and angels I created an altar. It is a small place where I have my favorite books, some stones, a statue of angel and tarot cards. I do feel it attracts my spirit friends.

7/Aroma- A nice aroma can draw them close. I like essence sticks to light before I am trying to focus on connecting with them. My favorite is a red rose aroma. People who are able to pick flowers from the garden and put them into the room can surely do it.

8/ Your body - To feel happy and ready to connect with them is important to feel comfortable on our skin. I usually go running, gym or taking walk into nature. It helps you breath better and helps relax your body.

9/ Your head - Is the biggest killer of connection between you and your spirit guides or angels. People think too much. We usually worry too much, care and getting stress so often. When our head is full of poison we cannot fully enjoy the refreshing light. So to be able to relax, meditate and enjoy connection, we need to clean our head.

I have stated before that I am a beginner. I try to do things naturally and in a way it suits me. I would like to share with you my personal experiences meeting my spirit guide. At the end of the article, I would be happy if you comment on it.

Black robe shaped body

That day I was very fluctuated and sad. I was complaining about angels and spirit guides for not taking care of me. I am a heart open person who loves being surrounded by spiritual creatures.
I was sitting in my room and complain about everything. I have said so many bad things in the air with a reason to hurt. I think I was hoping in my brain that if I say things rough it would boost spirit guides up and come to me. How silly I was!

Every night before going to sleep I talk to God and angels. I cannot close my eyes before I do so. It became an important way of saying “Thank you” before sleeping. That night I looked at my angel statue and felt exhausted. I was so disappointed with the luck of connection to most amazing creatures for me.

That night I could not fall asleep. Once it happens something creepy happen to me. Have you ever felt like while you sleep, someone is walking around you? You actually see none but feel there is someone? Have you ever felt that? I did. I was fast sleeping when in my thoughts I felt someone is walking around me in a circle. In my dream, I opened my eyes and saw a black shaped body walking around my bed. The body looked like a druid in a black robe. I could not see his face as there was no face to see at all. I remember that my soul got out of my physical body and was slowly flying towards the ceiling. I could perfectly watch my sleeping body. Suddenly there was not one black shaped creature but four. One of them was bigger than the rest and it made me feel, he was the leader. What happens after was strange. I could see the black druid approaching my physical body and approaching his head towards mine. Just in a minute, I felt like he will melt into me I woke up sitting on a bed.

After waking I felt great. I felt like something amazing connect with me. I was told that it was my spirit guide. Spirit guides always come just as angels in a way it won't scare you. My heart is full of druids and therefore he turns up as a black druid. It could not have been a bad creature as I would not feel happy but rather scared.

All about angels

I have read many books about angels. Those spiritual creatures interest me most. I have never seen angels but I have a gift to feel them around. Over time, angels are around my neck and hands get warm and make me aware of their presence.

I have read in one book something that made me worried. The article claims that God loves us unconditionally and gave us angels to help us get through life. I can understand that, but what I do not understand is the fact that only a few people claim that can see angels. If God really loves us all equally should not we all have the same ability to see, feel angels? I really thought about it a lot. In my opinion, we all have the ability to see angels. The ability is just disabled thanks for living we live. I mean, if we are living in a constant stress, busy lifestyle our mind is more focus on things which makes us unable to see the magic.

Most of us won't see angels as Lorna Byrne or Doreen Virtue does. That does not mean, angels, do not exist not connecting only with certain people. I believe is about How much effort we put into such connection.

Since I was a child I was seeking for churches, castles and mysterious places. I could sit for hours in a church and watch all the statues of angels. My mind always been full of imagination, dreams, and hope for magic. I do believe that is How angels and spirit guides connect with me. They make me excited and aware of their presence.

Since I was a child I always created a secret world in my head. When I grew older I replaced it with sadness, stress, pain, love, sickness and all unimportant stuff which only makes your head heavy.

Inner child

The reason Why people are so cold these days is simple. Each of us holds inside an inner child. A child which needs to have fun, laugh, be a child. If you could scan every human for an inner child, mostly you find this child sleeping, sad, moody, upset. The inner child each of us is alive. If you feed it with negativity, sad moments, serious acting, most likely your inner child will be that way. If the inner child experience joy, positive thinking, playful environment, most likely your inner child be happy. The inner child is connected to our head and mind. Therefore it reflects us and How we feel.

You might not be able to see angels. Perhaps you might never experience to see your spirit guides but they are here. Every moment, emotion is watched and taught by them. I always recommend to people I speak to not focus on hunting those amazing creatures but rather do everything possible to be better people which draw us closer to them. Their world is big enough and everyone is welcome there. Do not ever let anyone take this away from you.

Just sit down in your favorite chair and let your mind go where it needs to……….

True magic will find you :-)

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